Yes, I've nothing extremely exciting to report in my life (aside from pulling negative woman from an Origins booster), so I am now resorting to doing a ....BlOg ReViEw...Here it is. It is a double review. The film, Soavi's The Church, the wine, California Corbett Canyon Merlot(retail $6.99, College Station Albertsons). Soavi had a deft eye for replication here, as this was a Dario production, and he was Darios protage, and the film did costar Asia. Without a doubt the music by The Goblin alone influence further cinema, although arguably as did all of Darios cinematic relationship with the music of Goblin affect all horror cinema. It absolutely influenced The Keep, directed, strangely, by Michael Mann, whose Manhunter may be the only other film of his I respect (may it be know, there are many of his films I do not respect, but still immensely ENJOY). I would argue that it was influenced buy The Prince Of Darkness, directed by John Carpenter a year earlier, as it covers similar ground...evil influence on church ground. It shares with both films a sense of claustophobia...the old "get out now!" demonic anthem. It was slower paced though...which I quite enjoyed, as both Mann and Carpenter are IN YOUR FACE about their horrorshows. My enjoyment of the slower pace may of cource be entirely due to my next review, which is of California Corbett Canyon Merlot(again retail $6.99, College Station Albertsons). This Shizzel is the bizomb! Well worth the change out of my cars ashtray. It made a film that includes a goat headed, winged rape scene seem like high italian art, which it may have been, what do I know...This post includes mention of a film whats selling point was a cameo by Alice what the F am I bloggin about anyway?
On a side note...The retail establishment I currently work for sent a nationwide store memo today, Stating that all employees of said company may not refer to their employment with Barnes and Noble on any websites or, for the record, I do NOT work for Barnes and Noble, for the purposes of this blog, and if ever I refer to my employment in future blogs, it has nothing to do with Barnes and Noble, who I am not, for the purposes of this blog, employed with. Also..tonight I am scheduled to start at 8 p.m, and expect to be at work till well past 3 a.m...but absolutely not in an effort to process the inventory of books at any kind of bookstore whatsoever.
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You had me at "goat headed, winged rape scene."
I think you are getting your movie review mixed with your fraternity initiation. Remember that the sevrest of the brotherhood are not to be disclosed to others!
Do these movies get an A-?
I'm guess they would from Dags... It sounds like A+ material for Poki, though.
I don't grade using a letter system. Its too conventional. Instead I choose only to review films that I drink copius amounts for, and that have full boobal nudation. And those films always get a good review.
'boobal nudation' lmao, somehow i have to bring this up in conversation at work with the produce manager. he's gonna love it since he is definately a boob guy. :-)
Honestly I have never seen a bad film with a "goat headed, winged rape scene." Unless you count that home made film Dagromm tried to push off as self expression...
Heather, how exactly can you tell that the Produce Manager is a 'boob guy'?
Up yours Q, I though Dagromms film was beautifully done, the demon makeup effects he wore were amazing, and for such a violent scene, he was incredibly gentle, I didn't feel a thing through the whole ordeal, not a thing. Only the tears were real.
I've forgotten how far Poki will go in the gross-out-play-chicken-contest. I'd love to see Q and he in a winner take all tournament!
Who decides what "all" is, and how how long we have to take it? Shouldn't that be how we decide who the winner is? I think whoever "takes all" for the longest duration be the ultimate pirate. Man wizkids tv ads a lame.
q, scott and i have one of those work relationships that have somehow led to my knowledge of his lotion preference ~and~ his boob size preference. i guess i'm easy to talk too. lol
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