Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Yawn...what time is it?
Wow, what a really long nap. Well lets see. I am now working weekends at a jewelery store. Still with the bookstore as well. The wife and I have a PT cruiser. I haven't done much different with my time spent away from the blogiverse. I'm hoping to get back into it at least once a week. But we shall see, knowing myself as I do...I'll believe it when I put up or shut up.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Please leave a message after is finished
I am job hunting right now, and will be away from the slighty unused blog, or I will be turning this blog into a job hunting diary. I haven't decided yet. Beep.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Memory, of the blockbuster that got away...

The year was 19sumfinnurotter, and cinematic history was not being made in north Texas. 3 college graduates had a dream, a Hollywood dream. They were originators, ahead of their time. Before youtube, before Blair Witch, before the indie horror explosion, there was...As Yet Named (And Or Name Forgotten) Self Made Horrorfilm!?!
Whatever happened to this long unheard of and uninterestworthy project? Many in the industry blame production infighting, many just ask what this blog is talking about, and ask it to let go of their arms, as they are not interested in "donating, or whatever?"
It is disagreed by even those involved as to where the spark of genius originated. Many believe it was all born from an idea belonging to Dagromm, which may be true, or perhaps thought up by Cyberd, a possibility, or perhaps, the most obvious possibility, that an idea this brilliant could only be the brainchild of the Pokiman(this is known of course to be completely false, the Pokiman is in no way the father of this pathetic attempt at local fame, and was only along because he was bored.), but somehow in this magical year, it was discovered that local cable providers in Texas were required by law to make available to the public all kinds of filming equipment, and free training on all of its use...cameras, mixing boards, big clunky tape machines. This lead to a series of the most amazing short films in the history of the far northern region of Texas. Much remembered scenes include Dag and Cyb hiding in bushes, Dag and Cyb following each other, Dag and Cyb being chased by a group of highschool cheerleaders involved in some kind of highschool cheerleader camp. And the possibility, with the proper use editing, of Dag and Cyb appearing to be preparing to kiss.
But the true lost object d' arte was the As Yet Named (And Or Name Forgotten) Self Made HoRrOrFiLm!?! Subjects that were to be touched on in this film included friendship, werewolves, the outdoors, werewolf victim mutilation, and the possibility, with the proper use of editing, of werewolf Dag and werewolf Cyb appearing to be preparing to werewolf kiss. All footage of this film is sadly lost to time, but those involved remember footage of Dag and Cyb fishing to be the only footage to ever have been filmed for this film in the first place...footage of them fishing, and with the proper use of editing...well.
Whatever happened to this long unheard of and uninterestworthy project? Many in the industry blame production infighting, many just ask what this blog is talking about, and ask it to let go of their arms, as they are not interested in "donating, or whatever?"
It is disagreed by even those involved as to where the spark of genius originated. Many believe it was all born from an idea belonging to Dagromm, which may be true, or perhaps thought up by Cyberd, a possibility, or perhaps, the most obvious possibility, that an idea this brilliant could only be the brainchild of the Pokiman(this is known of course to be completely false, the Pokiman is in no way the father of this pathetic attempt at local fame, and was only along because he was bored.), but somehow in this magical year, it was discovered that local cable providers in Texas were required by law to make available to the public all kinds of filming equipment, and free training on all of its use...cameras, mixing boards, big clunky tape machines. This lead to a series of the most amazing short films in the history of the far northern region of Texas. Much remembered scenes include Dag and Cyb hiding in bushes, Dag and Cyb following each other, Dag and Cyb being chased by a group of highschool cheerleaders involved in some kind of highschool cheerleader camp. And the possibility, with the proper use editing, of Dag and Cyb appearing to be preparing to kiss.
But the true lost object d' arte was the As Yet Named (And Or Name Forgotten) Self Made HoRrOrFiLm!?! Subjects that were to be touched on in this film included friendship, werewolves, the outdoors, werewolf victim mutilation, and the possibility, with the proper use of editing, of werewolf Dag and werewolf Cyb appearing to be preparing to werewolf kiss. All footage of this film is sadly lost to time, but those involved remember footage of Dag and Cyb fishing to be the only footage to ever have been filmed for this film in the first place...footage of them fishing, and with the proper use of editing...well.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Wow...this is so out of my price range
This is less of a post, and more of an advertisement for the greatest dvd player ever. Its the one on the right. WOW! And only $2500...there a video link to, so you can see it in action.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Saddly, I've lowered my blogging to, REVIEW TIME!
Yes, I've nothing extremely exciting to report in my life (aside from pulling negative woman from an Origins booster), so I am now resorting to doing a ....BlOg ReViEw...Here it is. It is a double review. The film, Soavi's The Church, the wine, California Corbett Canyon Merlot(retail $6.99, College Station Albertsons). Soavi had a deft eye for replication here, as this was a Dario production, and he was Darios protage, and the film did costar Asia. Without a doubt the music by The Goblin alone influence further cinema, although arguably as did all of Darios cinematic relationship with the music of Goblin affect all horror cinema. It absolutely influenced The Keep, directed, strangely, by Michael Mann, whose Manhunter may be the only other film of his I respect (may it be know, there are many of his films I do not respect, but still immensely ENJOY). I would argue that it was influenced buy The Prince Of Darkness, directed by John Carpenter a year earlier, as it covers similar ground...evil influence on church ground. It shares with both films a sense of claustophobia...the old "get out now!" demonic anthem. It was slower paced though...which I quite enjoyed, as both Mann and Carpenter are IN YOUR FACE about their horrorshows. My enjoyment of the slower pace may of cource be entirely due to my next review, which is of California Corbett Canyon Merlot(again retail $6.99, College Station Albertsons). This Shizzel is the bizomb! Well worth the change out of my cars ashtray. It made a film that includes a goat headed, winged rape scene seem like high italian art, which it may have been, what do I know...This post includes mention of a film whats selling point was a cameo by Alice what the F am I bloggin about anyway?
On a side note...The retail establishment I currently work for sent a nationwide store memo today, Stating that all employees of said company may not refer to their employment with Barnes and Noble on any websites or, for the record, I do NOT work for Barnes and Noble, for the purposes of this blog, and if ever I refer to my employment in future blogs, it has nothing to do with Barnes and Noble, who I am not, for the purposes of this blog, employed with. Also..tonight I am scheduled to start at 8 p.m, and expect to be at work till well past 3 a.m...but absolutely not in an effort to process the inventory of books at any kind of bookstore whatsoever.
On a side note...The retail establishment I currently work for sent a nationwide store memo today, Stating that all employees of said company may not refer to their employment with Barnes and Noble on any websites or, for the record, I do NOT work for Barnes and Noble, for the purposes of this blog, and if ever I refer to my employment in future blogs, it has nothing to do with Barnes and Noble, who I am not, for the purposes of this blog, employed with. Also..tonight I am scheduled to start at 8 p.m, and expect to be at work till well past 3 a.m...but absolutely not in an effort to process the inventory of books at any kind of bookstore whatsoever.
Monday, April 16, 2007
The hills have eyes? Well the mid Texas plains have big, misshapen heads
This weekend was parents weekend in my new little town, and the population quadrupled. Being that I work for a big retail establishment (we are number #1 in loitering) , I was in the joyous position of selling book to some very interesting people, many of them actually circus people, or so I was lead to believe by the emptiness in their eyes, and their misshapen heads. Parents all, of those young future alligator boys and elephant riders to come. I am of course focusing on the bad, I'm sure there where many nice normal people crossing my check out counter, but good lord, when I was in college I do not remember that many freaks at my parent weekends. I don't even think my parents came to my parent weekends. So I have to wonder if it is the fault of these families, that my new little town comes with such a big reputation for foolishness that goes back so far it has become traditional? Does this town, this school, attract these strange pinheads because of its reputation, or did they cause it, or a little bit of both. Honestly since I've been here, everyone has been really kind (even the kids working at the Sonic drive through are polite, though clearly stoned, hence working at Sonic drive through) , I've come across very few cases that would lead me to believe that all the jokes about this place are anything but a cruel trick by the "enemy at large". But parents weekend has me rethinking everything. Imagine a football team made up entirely of the progeny of circus strongmen. Wow, what power, but at the price of being able to follow all the simplest of commands.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
40 year old virgin? NO! (but I have been invited to play AD&D)
I've recently moved to a new town, and have a new job with new coworkers. I've been playing it pretty cool. I got the wit turned up really high, and am trying to keep my geek in check. Yet somehow they know. Was I invited to go to the local chillifest? No, but hey that's alright, T was brand new. Was I ask to join the weekly poker game? Yes, but only after a regular player dropped out of the game, and that was a night I was scheduled to close anyways. BUT when a new weekly game of dungeons and dragons 3.5 is brewing, there was apparently a rush to see if I was in...I could be "any race that doesn't have the ability to jump planes" ...whats wrong with me, there was a time I would be all over this. Now it feels a little lame. Is it the circumstances? Coworkers, people I still don't really know. Is it the fact that I know nothing will ever live up to my college gaming experiences? Is it simply the fact that "any race that doesn't have the ability to jump planes", sounds kind of lame? Maybe if some hot young nubile honey walked up to me and whispered in my ear, "Shadowrun trolls, or cyberhackers", then maybe I would consider it, it having the potential to be a pretty cool RPG experience, or whatever. As it is, I have zero interest in getting involved in anything in which I can pick "any race that doesn't have the ability to jump planes". PLEASE, if you can't jump planes, then whats the point?
I just mostly want thank Cyberman for reminding me of Thrud...perhaps old T should be resurrected for one more embarrassing round...I can guarantee that would be the last of Thrud, and the last of any respect I get at work...but it might, IT JUST MIGHT, be fun.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
40 year old virgin? No, but I am going to prom.
I'm 33 years old. When I was 18, I was kinda lame, a young punk with druggy friends. I didn't go to prom, and I've never felt that I'd missed anything. Well, this is the wifes' first semester as a high school teacher, so she is volunteering for EVERYTHING. So I'm prom. I can't dance, I'm pretty out of shape, and I am a tiny little man. I expect to get lost at least three or four times, and I wont be able to see over the heads of all these modern teenagers, with all of the Crichtonesque dinosaur hormones being put in their food. The music is goin to suck, though that will be a lie (hearts to Avril, xoxox). I can't DRINK cause I'm a supposed to be a ROLE MODEL. Humm...what would Angel have done in this situation? Oh heh, yeah...turn into Angelus and start reaping. If only I weren't Zander.
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